Sunday, December 4, 2011

Almost the End of the Year

I can't believe it's already December! My how time flies when you have busy lives. Last night I was uploading our pics from the year onto our computer and I was just looking through them in complete awe. It's crazy how the kids grow and things change and just how the time slips away. It's almost Christmas then the New Year and shortly after little Miss P turns the big 2!

Since we had some computer problems I haven't been able to do a blog every time something new has happened. For now I'll just have to update a little at a time, and eventually get it all in here.

At the end of August Auntie Amanda came to visit us, while she was here there just happened to be a hurricane come through. We were kinda stuck to the house for a few days. Amanda was going a little stir crazy, but we still enjoyed the visit.

Faith and Auntie Amanda

They just adore her!
Little baby Presley with Amanda

After the hurricane was over Amanda and I went for a drive to check out some of the damage that was done. There were a lot of down trees, the roads were covered in branches and leaves, and there were even electric poles leaning.

This is a tree that was completely split just by the wind.

The electric lines that look like they weren't very stable.

It even moved the stop lights, there was
another one that was worse than this one.

A few days later Faith was starting her first day of preschool. She was too excited to go to school. I was tearing up thinking about her becoming such a big girl, but she didn't seem to mind. She attends pretty much all day. The bus picks her up at 9 am and doesn't drop her back off until around 4:40 pm. She absolutely loves her teachers and she's already learned so much. She's in the beginning stages of reading and she can write her entire name without any assistance.

All ready to go.

Waiting for the bell to ring to go to class.

Sitting at her desk. She was so exicted.

One of her teacher's helping to put her name tag on.

Off to her second day of school. First time
riding the bus. She didn't even look back.
 Miss Presley also reached a big girl stage. She moved up in the world, from her high chair to a booster seat at the table. She was so proud of herself and you can tell she was excited to take such a big girl step.

Both my girls posing for the camera. Don't mind their dirty faces.

Presley's first meal sitting high.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww! I never saw the pics of us together, they're so cute! And faith at school makes me wanna cry! I love the pic of the two of them at the table
